Larch (Larix)
Larch is a genus of woody plants of the Pinaceae family and one of the most common conifers. This is the only genus of conifers the needles of which fall off for the winter. Thanks to its distinguished frost tolerance and unpretentiousness larch is very widespread.
About 20 species of larch grow in cold and temperate zones of Europe, Asia and North America. Most ancient species grow in mountain systems of the Himalayas, Eastern Tibet and the Cordillera. 14 species of larch grow in Russia. Among these species, Dahurian and Siberian larches have the greatest economic value. In Russia larch occupies the largest area among all species – about 40% of forest area and these forests contain 33% of all our timber resources. In severe climatic conditions larch reaches performance standards only by the age of 150-200 years..

Larch woodis used in small shipbuilding, construction and joinery (building structure elements, wall beam, parquet, mouldings, window frames, railway sleepers and power line poles).
Larch is used for making piles and other elements of hydraulic structures, which may serve for unlimited time. Larch wood is used in construction of swimming pools, beaches, motorboat wharves, balconies, loggias, porches, shower rooms, coating of built-in equipment, room dividers, wardrobes, panels, etc.
Larch wood, in the form of both round timber and sawn timber, enjoys steady demand in the market of Western Europe. Prices for larch wood do not virtually fall under seasonal fluctuations and remain consistently high.

Pine (Pinus sylvestris)
There are more than 100 species of pine, which are scattered all over the Northern Hemisphere up to the Arctic Circle. Pine is widely spread all over the Russian North and the greatest part of Siberia and makes up both pine forests and forests mixed with spruce and other species. Pine forests are especially typical for sandy ground and rocky substrate.
There are more than 50 different species of pine in Russia, a part of which is cultivated in a particular way. Not all species are suitable for construction. The most popular are the following varieties: Scotch pine, limber pine, longleaf pine, Korean pine and Norway pine

Construction materials derived from pine, have average density and a high level of resistance to decay and fungal attack. The materials are quite strong and easy to process. They are highly valued in the construction field thanks to a relatively small number of knots and a slight change of diameter along the full length.
Pine perfectly holds fixing material (screws, nails), can be easily processed by milling cutter, jointer plane and fore plane and glues well. Mordant and paint treatment is simple and comfortable, despite the fact that pine material contains a rather big amount of tar.

Spruce (Picea)
Spruce forests are evergreen dark coniferous forests with predominance of spruce in tree layer. They grow in the temperate zone of the Northern Hemisphere occupying a significant part of Europe, Asia and North America. In Russia, they are widespread from the western borders to the eastern ones and form the shape of taiga landscape.
The total area of spruce forests in Russia amounts to about 70 million hectares with timber resources of more than 10 billion cubic meters. Spruce forests rank fourth in area after larch, pine and birch forests.

Spruce woodis white, with a slight yellowish tint, and low in tar. It has homogeneous structure, with annual rings well marked on all sections, which is abused by numerous knots.
Although processing of spruce wood is easy in general, it is significantly obstructed by many knots, which are frequently so hard that they cause dyeing of carbide tools blades.
ПAlthough processing of spruce wood is easy in general, it is significantly obstructed by many knots, which are frequently so hard that they cause dyeing of carbide tools blades.

Birch (Betula)
Birch is one of the most common wood species in Russia. The total number of species is about 100.
The range of birch is wide (2/3 of the area of all leaf forests of our country). In the north it reaches tundra, in the south - the Crimea and the Caucasus, from the west to the east - the Yablonovoi Mountains.
Birch should grow for about 70 years to become raw material for woodworking industry. Sometimes tree age can be defined by colour: old specimens have wood core with a reddish or brownish tint.
One of the most valued properties of birch is its unpretentiousness. It grows almost in any conditions. It is important that growth process is fast enough.

To obtain maximum efficiency in the production of the material needed to cut birch in age from 60 to 80 years. The construction of a birch is almost never used because of the increased tendency to decay.
Birch is easily processed using planers, and other hand-held machine tool. From it makes turning parts, well it holds fasteners (screws, nails), perfectly glued. Milling and planing of birch not cause problems, so it is often used wood as a raw material for the manufacture of children's toys and small decorative elements.
Birch wood toned perfectly, opening up virtually unlimited design possibilities.
Larch. Characteristics
Larch wood is characterized by increased compared with the oak strength - 96 MPa to 94 MPa. The density of Siberian larch is 620-725 kg / m3 with humidity up to 12%, which gives a little oak density 670-720 kg / m3. In addition to the special strength and resistance to external influences, it is characterized by good color and structure.
It has a uniform density, due to the high density difference between layers of early and late wood. Thick larch timber fresh cut in the form of a 126% water absorption. Depending on the time of year and time of day, humidity growing tree changes its value.
Larch - monoecious tree, usually large, up to 35-50 m and a diameter up to 1 m. Crohn's conical (young trees), cylindrical or shirokokonicheskaya (the old), formed by growth elongated shoots on which the needles are located singly and in a spiral and shorter shoots with bunches of needles (20 of 40 each).
Larch - monoecious tree, usually large, up to 35-50 m and a diameter up to 1 m. Crohn's conical (young trees), cylindrical or shirokokonicheskaya (the old), formed by growth elongated shoots on which the needles are located singly and in a spiral and shorter shoots with bunches of needles (20 of 40 each).
Lives pine 400 - 600 years and in adulthood (120 - 150 years) reaches a height of 30 - 40 m.
In the north strip is naturally the best conditions for the growth of the business of the trees, which are physical and mechanical properties are best suited for use in the construction industry. It Angarsk pine, Karelia and Arkhangelsk.
The main reason for this particular land is in northern climates: a long cold winter, fleeting and dry summer. Because of this creates an interesting effect: the annual rings are interconnected ultrashort distances (less than 2 mm). Distance from pine, which grows in the wild middle band, several times more (up to 10 mm).
Pine. Characteristics
The origin of the tree has a great influence on the mechanical properties of the timber, so the indicator is widely spread. If pine grows well on moist soils, the width of tree rings is quite high, and the percentage of late wood is low. Increased density of the material, and the mechanical quality moving to a lower level.
Averages breeds suggest that pine is more suitable for use in construction than spruce. In favor of pine and said relatively low tendency to warp, and good toughness.
Pine is widespread as a material for construction and create a variety of designs, for example, the carcasses of walls and roofs, as well as for interior and exterior. Because it makes the railing and stairs, lining the interior walls space, support beams for the walls, windows and doors, ceilings, gates. Impregnated with a special compound against rotting boards used for exterior facades and to cover the terraces, in the garden and landscape design and production of children's toys. Because impregnated wood sleepers do, masts, piles (including the construction of dams and ports).
Pine (Pináceae), by prevalence among the conifers in second place after the pine. Lives spruce - 250-300 years, there are trees aged up to 500-600 years. In the United States (Colorado) increases long-liver - Engelmann spruce, whose age is 852 years.
Monoecious trees with a pyramidal crown, and between whorled whorled branching shoots. Polnodrevesny trunk, up to 40 - 50 m in some species - up to 80-90 meters in diameter at the butt end of 1-2 m bark reddish-brown or gray, scaly thin scales; young branches brown or reddish, bare or slightly lowered, with strongly protruding leaf traces, kidney ovate-conical, pointed, brownish, resinous. The needles are stiff, prickly, four-sided, in the lower part of the crown - flat (shadow needles) are not shed 6 - 9 years.
Spruce. Characteristics
The permeability of liquids and gases along the fibers of spruce was somewhat higher (15-20%) than that of pine but the difference between the permeability in radial and tangential directions in spruce the largest (in a radial ahead radial, 10 times in pine - 2-5 times).
As the mechanical properties of wood pine spruce is slightly inferior. By prolonged resistance to deformation, it is practically not inferior pine, as well as on other parameters - the ability to retain fasteners. Oppression fir wood slightly better than the pine wood.
As resistance to rot (biological attack) among domestic breeds referred to srednestoykim fir species (it is noticeably inferior to heartwood pine), according to European standard EN 350 - 2: 1994 refers to spruce malostoykim rocks.
The permeability of liquids and gases along the fibers of spruce was somewhat higher (15-20%) than that of pine but the difference between the permeability in radial and tangential directions in spruce the largest (in a radial ahead radial, 10 times in pine - 2-5 times).
As the mechanical properties of wood pine spruce is slightly inferior. By prolonged resistance to deformation, it is practically not inferior pine, as well as on other parameters - the ability to retain fasteners. Oppression fir wood slightly better than the pine wood.
As resistance to rot (biological attack) among domestic breeds referred to srednestoykim fir species (it is noticeably inferior to heartwood pine), according to European standard EN 350 - 2: 1994 refers to spruce malostoykim rocks.
Birch. Characteristics
After atmospheric drying when the moisture content of about 12%, its density is approximately 650 kg / m³. This figure corresponds to the average between the moderate and severe types of wood. Birch material is quite soft, for this reason it is sometimes referred to as broadleaved species, which are outstanding representatives of poplar and linden. This is not entirely true. Correct to consider the birch as a material of medium hardness. Furthermore, Birch wood has high elasticity and viscosity, it hardly undergoes division and characterized by an average flexural strength.
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